“When a mother feels supported, the baby thrives, the relationship thrives, our community thrives, and our planet thrives”
-Kimberly Ann Johnson
What is a doula and why do I need one?
The word doula derives from Greek and means servant, or woman caregiver. Today, the word doula describes a well-trained non-medical professional and experienced labor companion who supports birthing women, as well as their families. A doula can be described as a guide, who helps the birthing family as they navigate pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Doulas continuously provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support throughout the reproductive journey, and assists the woman and her partner in obtaining information before, during, and after childbirth.
Doulas do not perform any medical activities or medical consultations. A doula is not a substitute, but a complement to your midwife, and birthing team.
Every birth is different, and each one is a rite of passage. Whenever a baby is born, so is a mother. Birth truly is a sacred life-changing journey and should be honored as such. A doula, is there for YOU.
The support of a doula covers a woman's need for safety, and studies showed that it can lead to a…
shorter birth duration,
lower intervention rates,
higher satisfaction with the birth experience,
positive effects on bonding, breastfeeding success, and pair bonding (see below for studies).
A birth doula…
acknowledges birth as a profound life experience that will be cherished by the mother, baby, and family for a lifetime.
comprehends the physiological processes of labor while being attuned to the emotional needs of the woman during this transformative time.
guides the woman and her partner in preparing for and executing their birth vision with confidence.
stands by the laboring woman’s side, providing unwavering support throughout the entire labor process.
delivers emotional reassurance, physical comfort measures, and an objective perspective, while ensuring the woman has access to the information necessary for making empowered decisions.
enhances communication between the laboring woman, her partner, and healthcare professionals to create a cohesive support system.
sees her role as one of nurturing and safeguarding the woman’s memory of her birth experience, ensuring it is a positive and empowering one.
A postpartum doula…
provides care to a family with a newborn baby.
The acceptance of doulas in maternity care is growing rapidly with the recognition of their important contribution to the improved physical outcomes and emotional well-being of mothers and infants. But can doulas ensure only positive outcomes in the birth space? No, as there are so many factors, outside of our control. But what good doulas can ensure: We make you feel supported throughout your entire journey of motherhood - which creates overall a more positive experience - for you, your baby, and if you have one, also your partner.
“One of the most effective ways to improve birth outcomes is the continuous presence of supportive persons such as a doula.”
-American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
“WHO recommends: Policy makers and administrators should recognize that the best obstetric outcomes are achieved when continuous care is provided by non-hospital personnel, especially doulas. This is especially important where policymakers have the desire to reduce the high cesarean rate of their hospitals or country.”
-WHO report, 23.05.2016
Studies on WHY doulas are so important
The systematic review of over 15,000 women by Hodnett (2022) showed that women with continuous companions during birth, such as a doula were:
34 % less likely to rate their childbirth experience negatively
28-50 % less likely to have a cesarean section (% depends on different studies)
31 % less likely to use synthetic oxytocin to speed up labor
9 % less likely to use any pain medication
Women without continuous companions during birth, such as a doula were more likely to:
be dissatisfied with or negatively rate their childbirth experience
have an epidural or other “regional” analgesia to manage pain
use any type of pain medication
give birth by cesarean section
give birth with vacuum extraction or forceps
give birth to a baby with a low Apgar score rating of well-being 5 minutes after birth
You can find more studies about the importance of doulas by clicking here in English and German.
(source: DONA International Birth Doula Manual, 2017; Hodnett, E. D. (2002). Pain and women’s satisfaction with the experience of childbirth: a systematic review. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 186(5), S160-S172.)
What makes an Ayurvedic doula unique?
First of all, we need to clarify what Ayurveda is. Essentially, Ayurveda translates from Sanskrit to “the science of life”. It is the mother of all medicine. If you want to know more, you can click here.
An Ayurvedic doula supports you with the Ayurvedic principles involved in restoring strength, vitality, and balance in maternal physiology after birth. Ayurvedic doulas offer specialized services for new parents such as Ayurvedic postpartum meal preparation, abhyanga (oil self-massage), and herbal remedies for support. This takes place in conjunction with the traditional services of a doula.
An Ayurvedic doula weaves the traditional holistic practices of Ayurveda with modern birth and postpartum support to facilitate deep healing and restoration, and whole-mind-body-soul care. Ayurvedic tradition places emphasis on nurturing the birthing woman, pre- and postpartum. According to Ayurveda, the first 42 days postpartum affect the next 42 years of a woman’s life. The first 42 days after delivery are a powerful time of transition which holds the opportunity to influence a new mother’s health for decades to come. When a mother is well supported with appropriate rest, foods, drinks, herbs, and abhyanga (oil massage), she is much more likely to experience a complete recovery. This benefits her mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally which will in turn impact her ability to mother her child far into the future.
After delivery, Ayurveda helps with dietary and lifestyle choices that can minimize or prevent colic for the baby, (postpartum) depression, and anxiety of the mother, as well as many other common postpartum complications and challenges. It has been found that the mother’s well-being affects her family and that of her baby during the first hours, months, and even years after birth. The easiest time to influence this sensitivity is immediately postpartum when the heart and body are extremely open and receptive to restoration on deep levels.
An Ayurvedic doula will focus on helping you restore your balance through the following:
specific foods and herbs
mindful practices
daily self-care
body work