Hibiscus Rose Mint Tea


I have written quite some articles about the magic of roses… and could go on and on about it.

In summer, the most important fact is, that roses are sweet, soothing and cooling for Pitta.

Meaning, they are cooling and calming both, our bodies and minds, in the summer heat.

What more could we ask for, besides a sweet, cooling rose?

Hibiscus grows in countries with a warm climate, like Latin America, where it is also known as “Jamaica”. This flower will help cool you down, as it is a diuretic, blood-thinning, lymph decongesting and therefore literally cooling your blood.

Further, it lowers high blood pressure, improves liver function, kidney disease, diabetes, obesity, contains high levels of antioxidants vitamin C, and is great for female reproductive health. During menstruation, this tea is tonifying the uterus. Hibiscus is an antispasmodic, a great blood cleanser, and an aphrodisiac.

Hibiscus also promotes hair growth and prevents premature greying of the hair (especially great for people with a lot of Pitta dosha), by increasing circulation.

Mint is another cooling ingredient, which alleviates itching, clears mucus, aids in indigestion, and helps in dispersing fluids and heat.

hibiscus rose mint tea II

Together, these three will have a cooling effect and reduce Pitta and Kapha dosha.

This rose hibiscus mint tea is great for Pitta and Kapha, while given the fact that most of the ingredients are astringent and drying, it might aggravate Vata. Make sure you add a sweetener, such as jaggery if you feel that you have a lot of Vata within your system.

This beverage will nourish your Muladhara (root) chakra and rejuvenate your dhatus (body tissues).

This recipe is a great summer’s day Ayurvedic version of “iced tea”. It actually is a sunlight herbal and flower infusion.

By drinking this one at room temperature, you will not harm Jatharagni, your digestive fire.

This recipe makes 1 l of the infusion, letting it stand in the sun takes 2-3 hours or you boil it in 5 minutes.


-       1 l purified water

-       2 tbsp hibiscus

-       2 tbsp edible roses (rosa damascena, rosa centifolia and rosa gallica)

-       a few mint leaves

-       sweetener of choice (eg. cooling maple syrup, or date syrup)



Version 1

You can fill a glass pitcher with purified water, then add 1 tbsp of hibiscus flowers and a few leaves of mint.

Place it either overnight, or directly in the sun for 2-3 hours, or until it will become vibrant pink.

You can strain it and add a sweetener of your choice. Maple syrup is the best sweetener in summer, as it is cooling.

Version 2

Fill a pot with water, add hibiscus, rose petals, and mint.

Let it cook until it boils, afterwards let it cool down and add your sweetener of choice.


Don’t be tempted to add ice cubes, it is advised to enjoy this tea at room temperature, as a real Ayurvedic “iced tea”.

hibiscus rose mint tea III

For other ways, to incorporate roses into your life, please find my other articles here:

·      Raw Rose Chocolate

·      Tridoshic Rice Porridge with Rose Marmalade

·      Homemade Raw Dark Chocolate

·      Ojas Dates with Rose Petals

·      Make your own Sacred Rose Water


Can’t wait to see the creations from your kitchen, make sure to tag me, so I can re-share the #foodlove with everyone!


With Love,

